I recently startet getting into pyglet and rabbyt from pygame, but I have hit something of a brick wall.
I created a basic example where one Sprite (of the type found in pyglet.sprite.Sprite) is displayed at 60 frames per second. The problem is that this simple program is using up 50% of the CPU time somehow. I repeated the experiment with the sprite type found in the rabbyt library with the same result.
I decided to render 1000, then 10 000 sprites at 60 frames per second, and to my surprise the CPU usage stays at 50%. The only thing is that moving or animating a sprite results in slight stuttering.
Lastly, I tried running at 360 frames per second. Same result, 50% usage.
Here is the sample code:
import pyglet
import rabbyt
def on_draw(dt):
global window
window = pyglet.window.Window(800, 600)
spr = rabbyt.Sprite('ship.png')
spr.x = 100
spr.y = 100
pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(on_draw, 1.0/60.0)
if __name__ == '__main__':
I am using a Core 2 Duo with an ATI HD 3500 card.
Any advice/ideas are appreciated.
Be aware that the default pyglet event handler will fire an 'on_draw' event every time it clears the event queue.
The pyglet application event loop dispatches window events (such as for mouse and keyboard input) as they occur and dispatches the on_draw event to each window after every iteration through the loop.
This means that any event can trigger a redraw.
So if you're moving the mouse about or doing anything that fires events, you will get massive slow down as it begins to trigger render calls.
This also caused problems because I was doing my own render calls, so I would get the two buffers fighting which created a 'ghost' effect on the screen. Took me a while to realise this was the cause.
I monkey patched the event loop to not do this. https://github.com/adamlwgriffiths/PyGLy/blob/master/pygly/monkey_patch.py
Be aware that this patched event loop will no longer render on it's own, you must manually flip the buffers or trigger an 'on_draw' event.
It might be the case that, although you've hooked in at 60fps, but the internal render loop is ticking at the maximum possible rate.
I dislike code that takes away control, hence my patch lets me decide when render events occur.
Hmm.. You might want to know the fps at which the game runs, if it helps:
cldis = pyglet.clock.ClockDisplay()
Then add this to your on_draw function:
it draws the current fps at the bottomleft corner of the screen in a semi-transparent color.
I know that in Pygame there is the built-in called "Clock". You can put a limit on how many times the game loops per second using the tick method. In my example I have put a limit of 30 FPS. This prevents your CPU being on constant demand.
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
While 1:
clock.tick(30) # Puts a limit of 30 frames per second on the loop
In pyglet there appears to be something similar:
pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(on_draw, 1.0/60.0)
Hope that helps!
edit: documentation on fps limit: http://pyglet.org/doc/api/pyglet.clock-module.html#set_fps_limit