i have a pretty big query with 2 sub queries. My big query updates an entire column E. The table looks like this:
id | A | B | E |
2 | 4 | 6 |NULL|
3 | 6 | 9 |NULL|
This is my entire query below:
Update mydatabase.mytable ,
(SELECT t1.A/AVG(t2.A)
FROM mytable t1
JOIN mytable t2
ON t2.id <= t1.id
group by t1.id ) AS C,
(SELECT t1.B/AVG(t2.B)
FROM mytable t1
JOIN mytable t2
ON t2.id <= t1.id
group by t1.id ) AS D
SET E = (C+D)/2;
I get the error : Unknown column 'C' in 'field list'
believe i will also get the same error for D.
My subqueries work and the syntax is correct. i am just unsure of the big query and the update part.
EDIT: How can i edit the ON clause part of the query above such that i would like the current code to work where id<=14 (which is t2.id <= t1.id as shown above) so when t1 id =14, t2 is all the cumulative id from 1 to 14 as it is now.
but for id >14 I would like the ON clause to be (t2.id=t1.id>=t1.id-2 and <=t1.id)
so when t1 id=15, t2.id should be between 13 and 15.
when t1 id =16, t2.id should be between 14 and 16 and so on.
This is because when i calculate col E for ids after id=14, i am only interested in getting the average of the previous 2 rows for C and D on a moving average.
You can rewrite your query using single join only no need to do additional join with conditions to calculate another value
Update t join
(SELECT t1.A/AVG(t2.A) C ,t1.B/AVG(t2.B) D
FROM t t1
JOIN t t2
ON t2.id <= t1.id
group by t1.id ) AS tt
SET E = (tt.C + tt.D)/2;
Edit for null values
Update t join
(SELECT t1.id ,ifnull(t1.A/AVG(t2.A),0) C ,ifnull(t1.B/AVG(t2.B),0) D
FROM t t1
JOIN t t2
ON t2.id <= t1.id
group by t1.id ) AS tt
on(t.id = tt.id)
SET E = (tt.C + tt.D)/2;