In September 2012, Facebook introduced "place topics" as described here:
"Topics" act as tags or subcategories for pages and places. These differ from the more generic "category" labels (eg. "local business") by adding a layer of specificity (eg. "liquor store"). Topics are found under the profile image next to a "tag" icon.
I'll use this page / place, with the topic "liquor store," as an example: http://www.facebook.com/RoyalLiquor
I'm looking for a way to pull these topics from Facebook pages. The Graph API for this location gives me a category of "Shopping/retail," and a handful of other information, but the topic "liquor store" is nowhere to be found.
Clicking on the "liquor store" topic brings you to what looks like a special topic page. So it looks like "liquor store" has a topic id of 199833073363963. Interestingly, when attempting to pull data about the topic via the Graph API, you get the error:
"error": {
"message": "(#3) App must be on whitelist",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 3
This error appears even within the context of the Facebook Graph API Explorer app.
Is there any way to pull this topic data? Or is this simply a new feature for which Facebook has yet to introduce an API?
Thanks for any help! Google doesn't seem to have much information on the topic.