I have a working Django REST API backend. I was previously using session authentication, but would like to move to token based for scaling across multiple servers. I have been researching this for a couple days now and I have not found an answer to my problem. I added the djangorestframework-jwt package to my application but when I try to authenticate is always returns:
{"non_field_errors":["Unable to login with provided credentials."]}
I see in the jwt package where this error is, and can follow the code back through the authentication process. I do not see any errors in the auth process. When I try to create a user with those credentials it says that a user already exists, so I know it is hitting the correct user table. I am not sure why the obtain_jwt_token endpoint will not authenticate my credentials. Below are relevant sections of my django app. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If I am leaving anything out that could help figure this out please let me know and I will upload it. Thanks,
'DEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS': 'rest_framework.pagination.LimitOffsetPagination',
'PAGE_SIZE': 100,}
urlpatterns = patterns('',
# Api
url(r'^api/', include(router.urls)),
url(r'^api/stats', statsviews.StatsView.as_view()),
url(r'^api/testing', statsviews.TestView.as_view()),
url(r'^api/login', 'rest_framework_jwt.views.obtain_jwt_token'),
url(r'^api/logout', logout, {'next_page': '/api/login'}),
url(r'^api-auth/', include('rest_framework.urls', namespace='rest_framework')),
curl command
curl -d "email=test@myemail.com&password=test123" http://webhost.mywebsite.com:8080/api/login/
I have a very similar setup to you. A simple app, utilizing vanilla DRF JWT authentication. The only difference that I can tell is that I have rest_framework_jwt included in my INSTALLED_APPS list:
# Third Party Dependencies
Try adding that and see where it gets you.
I encountered the same problem too,and finally found the way out.
following the quick start guide (http://www.django-rest-framework.org/tutorial/quickstart/) , using python manage.py migrate
to create table structure; using python manage.py createsuperuser
to create an initial user named admin with a password of "password123"; (attention: the passwords mismatch in guides)
now it should be ok.
$ curl -X POST -d "username=admin&password=password123"