I have a NSTokenField Where the tokens are created upon hitting enter. I would like to limit the number of tokens in this field. Say for example, User should be allowed to enter only 2 tokens one after the other. Later, neither user should be allowed to set the Token nor user should be allowed to search further. In short, User should be blocked after 2 tokens.
Could any one please help me in achieving this???
Thanks in advance :)
The solution is divided in 2 parts:
-(NSArray *)tokenField:(NSTokenField *)tokenField shouldAddObjects:(NSArray *)tokens atIndex:(NSUInteger)index
//limit the tokens
NSArray * tokensArray = [_tokenField objectValue];
if([tokensArray count] > 0)
if([tokens isEqualToArray:tokensArray])
return tokens;
else if([tokensArray count]>=self.tokensLimit)
return @[];
else if([tokens count]>0)
tokens = [tokens subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, MIN([tokens
count], self.tokensLimit))];
return @[];
tokens = [tokens subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, MIN([tokens count], self.tokensLimit))];
return tokens;
where tokensLimit is an int > 0 the delegate covers all the cases like tokens added by copy/paste, completion list, drag&drop, manually written etc..
this other delegate cover the case where the user write a string and hit "TAB"
- (BOOL)control:(NSControl *)control isValidObject:(id)object
NSArray * tokensArray = [_tokenField objectValue];
tokensArray = [tokensArray subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, MIN([tokensArray count], self.tokensLimit))];
[_tokenField setObjectValue:tokensArray];
return YES;
If you save the tokens in a db, you can count the number of rows of the particular users id, and add an if statement to limit it to 2.
var maximumTokens: Int = 2
func tokenField(_ tokenField: NSTokenField, shouldAdd tokens: [Any], at index: Int) -> [Any] {
var count = 0
if let textView = tokenField.currentEditor() as? NSTextView {
for scalar in textView.string.unicodeScalars {
if scalar.value == unichar(NSAttachmentCharacter) {
count += 1
return tokens.filter({ _ in
count += 1
return count <= maximimTokens
I've tested it and it works when you are typing tags or even copying & pasting them in.