Make a simple RestController
public class Controloler
class MyData {
int value;
@GetMapping(value = "/datas", produces = MediaTypes.HAL_JSON_VALUE)
public PagedResources<Resource<MyData>> getMyData(PagedResourcesAssembler<MyData> assembler,
@RequestParam(required = false) String param,
@PageableDefault Pageable pageRequest)
MyData data = new MyData(1);
Page<MyData> page = new PageImpl<>(Collections.singletonList(data), pageRequest, 100);
Link selfLink = linkTo(methodOn(Controloler.class).getMyData(assembler, param, pageRequest)).withSelfRel();
return assembler.toResource(page, selfLink);
When I try to get page curl "http://localhost:8080/datas?param=12&page=2"
have a problem with self link generation
"_embedded": {
"myDataList": [
"value": 1
"_links": {
"first": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/datas?param=12&page=0&size=10"
"prev": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/datas?param=12&page=1&size=10"
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/datas?param=12"
"next": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/datas?param=12&page=3&size=10"
"last": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/datas?param=12&page=9&size=10"
"page": {
"size": 10,
"totalElements": 100,
"totalPages": 10,
"number": 2
In my opinion, self link should be http://localhost:8080/datas?param=12&page=2&size=10
Just now I can solve this problem without using pageable in arguments, just exact params page and size. But, I hope there is some solution with pageable
I've seen that in case of spring-data-rest self have a type of template. But I'd like to get the url I've requested
In my opinion, self link should be http://localhost:8080/datas?param=12&page=2&size=10.
I agree. In fact, it seems to be a bug. The most recent version of PagedResourcesAssembler
does it differently:
Link selfLink = link.map(it -> it.withSelfRel())//
.orElseGet(() -> createLink(base, page.getPageable(), Link.REL_SELF));
Buggy versions of that class are doing this:
resources.add(createLink(base, null, Link.REL_SELF));
The createLink
method is never passed the needed Pageable
, but null
as the second argument.
So, if you can't upgrade to the most recent version you can still work-around it:
Link selfLink = linkTo(methodOn(Controloler.class).getMyData(assembler, param, pageRequest)).withSelfRel();
UriComponentsBuilder builder = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(selfLink.expand().getHref());
new HateoasPageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver().enhance(builder, null, pageRequest);
Link newSelfLink = new Link(builder.build().toString());
According to Oliver's comment in an issue opened to address this, the self link should not contain template information, and this is not a bug.