This is my translation file
return [
"Key1" => "Message 1",
"Key2" => "Message 2",
"Key3" => "Message 3",
"Key4" => "Message 4",
"Key5" => "Message 5",
"Key6" => "Message 6",
"Key7" => "Message 7",
"Key8" => "Message 8",
This is the code in Laravel Blade
v-bind:ErrorMessages= "{
Messages: '{!! json_encode(Lang::get('Profile')) !!}'
In the above component, I am trying to pass the complete translation file from laravel blade to Vue.js
But, the above code print all keys in the web page and disturbs the whole layout.
Am I missing anything to pass the json in correct format from laravel to Vue.js
Update 1
I am able to pass the object from laravel to vue.js using below code. But below is more like manual work typing each translation key of a file one by one.
v-bind:messages= "{
Key1: '{!! trans('Profile.Key1') !!}',
Key2: '{!! trans('Profile.Key2') !!}',
Key3: '{!! trans('Profile.Key3') !!}',
Key4: '{!! trans('Profile.Key4') !!}',
Key5: '{!! trans('Profile.Key5') !!}',
Key6: '{!! trans('Profile.Key6') !!}',
Key7: '{!! trans('Profile.Key7') !!}',
Key8: '{!! trans('Profile.Key8') !!}'
Try this:
v-bind:ErrorMessages= "'{!! json_encode(Lang::get('Profile')) !!}'">
Note about additional '
between "
and {
- so you'll pass what you want as string.
It seems that you need to pass an object to :messages
I'm not very familiar with Laravel, please try following option:
<profile messages='{!! json_encode(Lang::get("Profile")) !!}'></profile>
<profile :messages="{!! json_encode(Lang::get('Profile')) !!}"></profile>