I heard many times that postgres handles exists queries even faster then left join. http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-performance/2002-12/msg00185.php
That's definitely true for one table aggregation.
But in our case their is more then one and the same query build with exists that make postgres to hang forever:
SELECT count(DISTINCT "groups".id) AS count_all
FROM "groups"
WHERE (exists(
select * from products p where groups.id = p.group_id AND exists(
select * from products_categories pc where p.id = pc.product_id AND pc.category_id in (2,3))) AND groups.id != 3)
Aggregate (cost=26413436.66..26413436.67 rows=1 width=4)
-> Seq Scan on groups (cost=0.00..26413403.84 rows=13126 width=4)
Filter: ((id <> 3) AND (subplan))
-> Index Scan using index_products_on_group_id on products p (cost=0.00..1006.13 rows=1 width=1483)
Index Cond: ($1 = group_id)
Filter: (subplan)
-> Seq Scan on products_categories pc (cost=0.00..498.49 rows=1 width=8)
Filter: ((category_id = ANY ('{2,3}'::integer[])) AND ($0 = product_id))
That is the root cause of incredibly long execution time? Is that some kind of configuration problem?
Thanks, Bogdan.
Well, for each row in "groups", postgresql is doing a full scan of products_categories, which isn't good. Not necessarily a configuration problem, but perhaps the query could be stated without nesting subqueries like that?
SELECT count(DISTINCT "groups".id) AS count_all
FROM "groups"
WHERE exists(
select 1 from products p where groups.id = p.group_id
join products_categories pc on pc.product_id = p.id
where pc.category_id in (2,3)
) and groups.id <> 3
Also does products_categories
have an index on product_id