I've made a topshelf windows service that starts three tasks. But since it might happen that one of those task might crash (yes, I know about EnableServiceRecovery
), it would be better to use one program to create 3 services with different names and install them using command line parameters.
So in theory the code would look like:
static void Main(string[] args)
// *********************Below is a TopShelf code*****************************//
HostFactory.Run(hostConfigurator =>
hostConfigurator.Service<MyService>(serviceConfigurator =>
serviceConfigurator.ConstructUsing(() => new MyService(args[0])); //what service we are using
serviceConfigurator.WhenStarted(myService => myService.Start()); //what to run on start
serviceConfigurator.WhenStopped(myService => myService.Stop()); // and on stop
//****************Change those names for other services*******************************************//
hostConfigurator.SetDescription("CallForward using Topshelf"+args[0]);
But of course it won't, because (from what I've read) you can't simply use args[]
but apparently you can use something like
Callforward.exe install --servicename:CallForward --instancename:Workshop
I'm still not sure how to pass the parameter to be used later in the program (in example above you can see it in new MyService(args[0])
) - which would be my question number 1. Question number two (as in the title) would be "can I use single parameter to set up all three elements (name, instance and internal use)?
EDIT: SOLVED using help from this answer
string department = null;
// *********************Below is a TopShelf code*****************************//
HostFactory.Run(hostConfigurator =>
hostConfigurator.AddCommandLineDefinition("department", f => { department = f; });
hostConfigurator.Service<MyService>(serviceConfigurator =>
serviceConfigurator.ConstructUsing(() => new MyService(department)); //what service we are using
serviceConfigurator.WhenStarted(myService => myService.Start()); //what to run on start
serviceConfigurator.WhenStopped(myService => myService.Stop()); // and on stop
hostConfigurator.EnableServiceRecovery(r => //What to do when service crashes
r.RestartService(0); //First, second and consecutive times
r.SetResetPeriod(1); //Reset counter after 1 day
//****************Change those names for other services*******************************************//
string d = "CallForwardService_" + department;
hostConfigurator.SetDescription("CallForward using Topshelf");
I guess sometimes I have to post things on the forum and then-re read them again to fully understand my own problem.