Can anyone help me with adding edges dynamically in this visjs network? Actually, I am trying to use drag and drop to add nodes to the canvas, but I need help adding edges when I click the node and add edge dynamically to another node existing on canvas.
You can use the vis.js 'update' function to add either nodes or edges dinamycally. You simply pass in an array with the set of either nodes or edges that you are trying to add. You call it like this:
where nodes and edges are the vis.DataSet instances that you originally created for the network.
Full docs can be found at http://visjs.org/docs/data/dataset.html
The intention of this answer is to help my self stop googling it, as I apparently keeps forgetting the solution, and keeps ending up here first...
It is also technically an answer to the question:
function AddEdge(from_id, to_id)
network.body.data.edges.add([{from: from_id, to: to_id}])
It works as the network data node is a vis dataset, and updating it (also via the add/remove methods) will update the render as well.
var network = new vis.Network(container, datas, options)
//And then
You can create edges on drag & drop
check this example from visjs. http://visjs.org/examples/network/other/manipulation.html
you can custom the way of adding\editing\deleting by configure your network as follow:
manipulation: {
enabled: false,
addNode: function (data, callback) {
// filling in the popup DOM elements
console.log('add', data);
editNode: function (data, callback) {
// filling in the popup DOM elements
console.log('edit', data);
addEdge: function (data, callback) {
console.log('add edge', data);
if (data.from == data.to) {
var r = confirm("Do you want to connect the node to itself?");
if (r === true) {
else {