From the Lift-Web Mapper model below, how do I access the fields under AssignmentformLink?
object TForm extends TForm with LongKeyedMetaMapper[TForm]
class TForm extends LongKeyedMapper[TForm] with IdPK with ManyToMany {
def getSingleton = TForm
object label extends MappedString(this, 40)
object pattern extends MappedString(this, 200)
object assignments extends MappedManyToMany(
AssignmentformLink, AssignmentformLink.assignment, AssignmentformLink.form, TForm)
object AssignmentformLink extends AssignmentformLink with LongKeyedMetaMapper[AssignmentformLink] {
override def dbIndexes = Index(form, assignment) :: super.dbIndexes
class AssignmentformLink extends LongKeyedMapper[AssignmentformLink] with IdPK {
def getSingleton = AssignmentformLink
object form extends MappedLongForeignKey(this, TForm)
object assignment extends MappedLongForeignKey(this, Assignment)
object order extends MappedInt(this)
object readonly extends MappedBoolean(this)
object required extends MappedBoolean(this)
object visible extends MappedBoolean(this)
object Assignment extends Assignment with LongKeyedMetaMapper[Assignment]
class Assignment extends LongKeyedMapper[Assignment] with IdPK with ManyToMany {
def getSingleton = Assignment
object id_parent extends MappedLong(this)
object label extends MappedString(this, 40)
object order extends MappedInt(this)
object guard extends MappedString(this, 200)
object forms extends MappedManyToMany(
AssignmentformLink, AssignmentformLink.assignment, AssignmentformLink.form, TForm)
To get an assignmet and the forms linked to it, you do this:
val assignments = Assignments.find(By(Assignment.id, 123))
assignments match {
case Full(as) => {
val forms = as.forms
But I have no idea how to navigate to the order, readonly, required...
fields under AssignmentformLink
I realise I can search for the link manually, ie. AssignmentformLink.find(By(form...),By(assignment...))
, but this will result in inefficient code and really misses the point of using objects.
I need to be able to navigate from the form to the link table's fields.
Don't know if this is the correct approach, but assignments.joins
returns a list of the join table records.