I have the problem with DBUnit (V2.5.3) that I want to set the property FEATURE_ALLOW_EMPTY_FIELDS
to true
but DBUnit ignores this setting. My code to set the property is:
DatabaseConfig dbCfg = null;
try {
dbCfg = dbTester.getConnection().getConfig();
dbCfg.setProperty(DatabaseConfig.FEATURE_ALLOW_EMPTY_FIELDS, Boolean.TRUE);
System.out.println("getCfg -> " + dbTester.getConnection().getConfig().getProperty(DatabaseConfig.FEATURE_ALLOW_EMPTY_FIELDS));
System.out.println("dbCfg -> " + dbCfg.getProperty(DatabaseConfig.FEATURE_ALLOW_EMPTY_FIELDS));
} catch (Exception exc) {
I think the problem is that the new value is only set to the dbCfg
object. But it seems that DBUnit don't use this object becaus the output of the code above is:
getCfg -> false
dbCfg -> true
Looks as if I am too stupid to understand how to set a DBUnit property correctly ...
The problem is that IDatabaseTester.getConnection()
seems to return with each call a new IDatabaseConnection object. I thought that this returns each time the same connection object.
@JavaDev1987: Memorize the object returned by IDatabaseTester.getConnection()
. At example use following code instead the code which I have post in my question:
IDatebaseConnection dbConn = null;
DatabaseConfig dbCfg = null;
try {
dbConn = dbTester.getConnection(); // <-- get DBConnection
dbCfg = dbConn.getConfig(); // use dbConn instead calling 'dbTester.getConnection()'
dbCfg.setProperty(DatabaseConfig.FEATURE_ALLOW_EMPTY_FIELDS, Boolean.TRUE);
// in next line: use here also dbConn instead calling 'dbTester.getConnection()'
System.out.println("getCfg -> " + dbConn.getConfig().getProperty(DatabaseConfig.FEATURE_ALLOW_EMPTY_FIELDS));
System.out.println("dbCfg -> " + dbCfg.getProperty(DatabaseConfig.FEATURE_ALLOW_EMPTY_FIELDS));
} catch (Exception exc) {
Important is that you don't call dbTester.getConnection()
again, because this will create and return a NEW database connection (with a new and unchanged default configuration). That's what I wrote.
I noticed there is an OperationListener in there, which is triggered after the Connection object is generated. Here's what I've done: I added a CustomConfigurationOperationListener:
public class CustomConfigurationOperationListener extends DefaultOperationListener implements IOperationListener{
public void connectionRetrieved(IDatabaseConnection iDatabaseConnection) {
iDatabaseConnection.getConfig().setProperty(DatabaseConfig.FEATURE_ALLOW_EMPTY_FIELDS, true);
And then setted it on the dbTester:
dbTester.setOperationListener(new CustomConfigurationOperationListener());
That way we override the configuration after the connection is generated, and before the dataset is created.