I'm trying to use Objective-C 2.0 feature Property in GNUstep(using Windows).
But i can't use @property sign and @synthesize.
Although All of my codes are correct,compiler can't compile my property code.
Compiler also can't understand "@" sign.
Can i use Property feature in GNUstep.
If it's can use,Please tell me how can i do that?
Thanks you for your time.
The GNUStep GCC compiler does not support @property
(or any of the the other Objective-C 2.0 language changes). However, if you can use Clang, you have access to Objective-C 2.0 features at compilation. As long as you can find an Objective-C 2.0-compatible runtime, you're all set. See http://wiki.gnustep.org/index.php/ObjC2_FAQ#Which_Bits_of_Objective-C_2_Work.3F.
Now you can use Clang 3.3 + libobjc2 + GNUstep to compile all the current Objective-C 2.0 language features. (blocks/ARC/properties...)
But if you're on Windows, I think you may have some trouble to run Clang...
Quick answer is that out-of-the-box, you can't. Version 2.0 of the language specification is specific to Apple's implementation. See here for a summary.