Nullable<int?> is not possible, Why not? [duplicate]

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-10 10:31:22


Excuse me if its a silly question, I am trying to get a better understanding of Nullable types in .Net.

From what i notice from Microsoft source code (using ReSharper), I understand that Nullable is a struct and T needs to be a struct

public struct Nullable<T> where T : struct

Now, I tried to do something like this

public struct CustomNullable<T> where T : struct
public class CustomNullableClass<T> where T : struct

And I get an error when I compile:

  Nullable<int?> a = null;
  Nullable<Nullable<int>> a1 = null;

For the above mentioned code I get an error 'Only non-nullable value types could be underlying of System.Nullable', but how is this enforced in the Nullable type ?

And for

   CustomNullable<int?> a2 = null;
   CustomNullableClass<int?> a3 = null;

I get an error 'The type System.Nullable must be non-nullable value type in order to use it as parameter T '.

I am bit confused now, can some one help me understand whats going on or have I not understood something ?

Thanks a lot in advance.

EDIT: If structs are value types and value types can't be null, how can a Nullable be a struct?

Credit : spender


Actually, it's an internal hack somewhere in the C# compiler (guessing). You cannot replicate it in your own classes. If you make your own type, using the exact same IL, it will not enforce that additional hidden constraint.


There is special compiler support specifically for Nullable. You're not capable of reproducing a number of different possible behaviors of Nullable with a custom struct. One of those behaviors is the one that you've mentioned here, that Nullable doesn't meet the generic constraint for a struct despite being a struct.

