I want to develop a simple accordion menu in ios but I could not find an example of the way I want. Accordion menu headers to include an image(arrow) and text. Clicking on this text its content will be visible. If clicked again it must be closed.
For example:
>> Title1
>> Title2
>> Title3
If click Title1 it expands.
<< Title1
Including text information...
>> Title2
>> Title3
How to make the easiest way? Thank you for your advice.
What you're after is a UITableView, with functions on the row selection delegate methods to manipulate the underlying data and add rows and re-render with the cell animation that slides the cells in from the top.
Here's a tutorial from Cocoanetics.
I believe you are looking for a popover view, though those are only available on iPad. Otherwise some variation of a modal view for iPhone might suit your needs.
http://www.raywenderlich.com/1056/ipad-for-iphone-developers-101-uipopovercontroller-tutorial http://developer.apple.com/library/IOS/#documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIPopoverController_class/Reference/Reference.html