I am very new to ruby and I have been really struggling with this for months. I searched extensively and tried what the answers said but still no luck. (I tried Multiple user models with Ruby On Rails and devise to have separate registration routes but one common login route but didnt work)
I currently have a user.rb model and it is connected to devise and works fine.
1- On the sign-up page, I would like to have 3 buttons that would lead to separate registration forms (one each for business, manager and the already existing user). Do I set this up in routes.rb? 2- The forms will have different attributes that will populate their respective databases. 3- After completion of the form they will be directed to their respective routes. User to the current default route while business to the business dashboard and manager to the manager dashboard. Is this again in routes.rb or devise?
I would greatly appreciate any guidance!
I've read through the documentations for devise, cancan and rolify but I can't seem to bring it all together to work for me.
I am very new to ruby and I have been really struggling with this for months. I searched extensively and tried what the answers said but still no luck. (I tried Multiple user models with Ruby On Rails and devise to have separate registration routes but one common login route but didnt work)
I currently have a user.rb model and it is connected to devise and works fine.
1- On the sign-up page, I would like to have 3 buttons that would lead to separate registration forms (one each for business, manager and the already existing user). Do I set this up in routes.rb? 2- The forms will have different attributes that will populate their respective databases. 3- After completion of the form they will be directed to their respective routes. User to the current default route while business to the business dashboard and manager to the manager dashboard. Is this again in routes.rb or devise?
I would greatly appreciate any guidance!
I've read through the documentations for devise, cancan and rolify but I can't seem to bring it all together to work for me.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :contibutions
# Include default devise modules. Others available are:
# :lockable, :timeoutable
devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :confirmable,
:recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable, :omniauthable
validates_format_of :email, :without => TEMP_EMAIL_REGEX, on: :update
def admin?
def self.find_for_oauth(auth, signed_in_resource = nil)
# Get the identity and user if they exist
identity = Identity.find_for_oauth(auth)
user = identity.user
if user.nil?
# Get the existing user from email if the OAuth provider gives us an email
user = User.where(:email => auth.info.email).first if auth.info.email
# Create the user if it is a new registration
if user.nil?
user = User.new(
name: auth.extra.raw_info.name,
#username: auth.info.nickname || auth.uid,
email: auth.info.email.blank? ? TEMP_EMAIL : auth.info.email,
password: Devise.friendly_token[0,20]
# Associate the identity with the user if not already
if identity.user != user
identity.user = user
I'd go with one User model and a two stage signup. First they would click on their desired button, each one passing a unique 'role' param in the URL and going to the devise signup page. Here they would enter only their email/password and we would pass the param from the URL to a simple 'role' hidden field in the form.
Then as step 2, after technically registering, they are directed to a separate edit account type page (each user having a different account, outlined below) to fill in the rest of their details.
The models:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :account
has_one :business_account
has_one :manager_account
class Account
belongs_to :user
class BusinessAccount
belongs_to :user
class ManagerAccount
belongs_to :user
Then, using devise, I'd override the registrations_controller to add a role based on a hidden field in the first step simple registration form (which would just be email/password/role).
In that file, I'd also override the after_signup_path method, to redirect to an edit_account type page for the relevant account we create for them during signup.
First the routes:
devise_for :users, :controllers => {:registrations => "registrations"}
resources :users do
resource :account
resource :business_account
resource :manager_account
Then the controller (see comments within code):
class RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController
def create
if resource.save
# you will name the following param. make sure it's in devise strong_params
# also the == will depend on how you pass the role - string, integer etc
if sign_up_params[:role] == "1"
user.add_role :standard
resource.build_account(user_id: resource.id) # code to create user account
elsif sign_up_params[:role] == "2"
user.add_role :manager
resource.build_manager_account(user_id: resource.id) # code to create user account
elsif sign_up_params[:role] == "2"
user.add_role :business
resource.build_business_account(user_id: resource.id) # code to create user account
if resource.active_for_authentication?
set_flash_message :notice, :signed_up if is_navigational_format?
sign_up(resource_name, resource)
respond_with resource, :location => after_sign_up_path_for(resource)
set_flash_message :notice, :"signed_up_but_#{resource.inactive_message}" if is_navigational_format?
respond_with resource, :location => after_inactive_sign_up_path_for(resource)
clean_up_passwords resource
respond_with resource
# override the after signup path to your desired route, e.g
def after_sign_up_path_for(resource)
if sign_up_params[:role] == "1"
elsif sign_up_params[:role] == "2"
elsif sign_up_params[:role] == "2"
The above would redirect them to a separate accounts controller/view depending on the account type. This solution would save you a lot of headaches down the line.