Service-Worker, “TypeError:Request failed at <anonymous>”

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-09 17:29:52


I hope you can help me with my problem. Currently I build a PWA with a service-worker. It registerd successful, but something is wrong with the installation.

The ""-promise result in an error: "TypeError: Request failed at ". You can see in Chrome, that the cache is registerd, but empty. I already checked the cache urls thousand times..

Here is my Service-worker Code

var CACHE_NAME = 'surv-cache-1';

var resourcesToCache = [

self.addEventListener('install', function(event) {
    // open the app browser cache {
        console.log("Install succesfull");
        // add all app assets to the cache
        return cache.addAll(resourcesToCache);

self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
    // try to find corresponding response in the cache
      .then(function(response) {
        if (response) {
          // cache hit: return cached result
          return response;

        // not found: fetch resource from the server
        return fetch(event.request);

And my registration code:

    if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
        navigator.serviceWorker.register('service-worker.js').then(function(registration) {
            console.log('Service worker registered:'+registration.scope);
        }).catch(function(e) {

I didn't get it.. I hope you have an idea :)

EDIT: I think I know now why it don't work. I have a authentication for my domain, so not everybody can access it. While my serviceworker want to caching the data, it get 401 back. So it seems to be a problem with the authentication.

Maybe someone had already the same problem?


This happens when your resourcesToCache includes something that returns a 404 response. Make sure you have everything typed correctly. Also make sure that the scope is correct. You can check your worker scope using:

if("serviceWorker" in navigator) {
  .then(registration => {
    console.log("SW scope:", registration.scope);

If your project is not in your server domain root, doing something like this might help:

//your main js
if("serviceWorker" in navigator) {
  .then(registration => {
    //do your thing

//your worker js
let resourcesToCache = [

As a side-note, you should be loading your libraries (jQuery, pouchdb), from a CDN to improve performance. Those can be cached too:

let resourcesToCache = [


This happened to me when I was developing locally on a windows machine and deploying on a linux server, the problem is with the path. You need to add a '.' before your path for it to be like "./" as follows:

var resourcesToCache = [


