I need to do some research on ray tracing and create my own ray tracer. Are there any good books on the subject?
Pharr and Humphreys, "Physically Based Rendering", Morgan-Kaufman 2004
Wann Jensen, "Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping", AK Peters, 2001
Dutré, Bala, and Baekert, "Advanced Global Illumination", AK Peters, 2006
An Introduction to Ray Tracing, Glassner et al.
I can recommend Physically Based Rendering by Pharr and Humphreys, which includes a full renderer written in C++ using literature programming methods.
Not a book, but the place where I learnt all about ray tracing - Persistence of Vision (POV).
Ray Tracing from the Ground Up
Fundamental Computer Graphics
These two are great. They made me learn from nothing.
Also when you get involved in ray tracing, I recommend you to use Pharr's book. But that book is a little advanced for a starter.