I need to :
- Fetch some data from an API on a background thread
- Display the data on the UI
Save to Realm.
fetchItemsFromServer().subscribeOn(Schedulers.io()) .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()).subscribe(new Action1<ItemList>() { @Override public void call(ItemList items) { displayItems(items); try { realm.beginTransaction(); realm.copyToRealmOrUpdate(itemList); realm.commitTransaction(); Logger.v("Realm ", "Copied list object to realm"); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.e("Realm Something went wrong ", e); realm.cancelTransaction(); } } }
This throws an error : realm accessed from incorrect thread
I have 4 tabs fetching different messages at the same time.
fetchItemsFromServer() is an intensive call and confining this call to one thread is not good. I need this flexibility.
Has anyone found any workarounds using realm this way?
Most examples e.g tend to be focused on fetching from Realm vs working with network operations:
Example below:
Rxjava - https://realm.io/news/realm-java-0.87.0/
Using realm with RxJava - https://realm.io/news/using-realm-with-rxjava/ (previous solution but performance drawbacks)
My Realm is provided by a database module through dependency injection (Dagger 2)
public class DatabaseModule {
public static final String REALM_FILE_NAME = "Realm name";
Realm providesRealmInstance(Context context) {
return Realm.getInstance(
new RealmConfiguration.Builder(context)
Instead of saving data on the UI thread I would do it on the background instead using the following pattern:
.doOnNext(new Action1<ItemList>() {
public ItemList call(ItemList list) {
// Save data on the background thread
Realm realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance();
.subscribe(new Action1<ItemList>() {
public void call(ItemList items) {