I want to implement OPC UA communication for my application (c#)
I found some OPC UA server simulations (Prosys and Softing OPC UA) I can connect and read data without problem. What I want is to implement euromap 77 standards. http://www.euromap.org/euromap77
As far as I understand I must use model structure when accessing data via OPC. I want to load this model to OPC UA server and work on that data structure is it possible to import this http://www.euromap.org/files/Opc_Ua.EUROMAP77.RC1_00.NodeSet2.xml model to any free OPC UA server ?
The OPC Foundation has sample servers with node managers that import NodeStateCollections, aka predefined nodes.
Take a look at this repo on GitHub
You can use the "UaNodeSetHelpers" class to convert from NodeSet2 files to NodeStateCollections.
// First, read a NodeSet2.xml file from a stream.
var nodeSet = UANodeSet.Read(istrm);
// Then create an empty NodeStateCollection.
var nodes = new NodeStateCollection();
// Update namespace table
if (nodeSet.NamespaceUris != null && context.NamespaceUris != null)
for (int ii = 0; ii < nodeSet.NamespaceUris.Length; ii++)
// Update server table
if (nodeSet.ServerUris != null && context.ServerUris != null)
for (int ii = 0; ii < nodeSet.ServerUris.Length; ii++)
// Convert the nodeset to nodeState collection, aka predefinedNodes.
nodeSet.Import(context, nodes);