Spring Annotation based AOP to intercept method implemented in parent class

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-08 11:08:44


We are using annotation based AOP for methods to intercept functionality.

Base interface:

public interface BaseInterface { 
    public void someMethod();

Abstract Base implementation:

public abstract class AbstractBaseImplementation implements BaseInterface {
    public void someMethod() {
       //some logic

Child interface:

public interface ChildInterface extends BaseInterface {
  public void anotherMethod();

Implementation Class

public class ActualImplemetation extends AbstractBaseImplementation implements ChildInterface {

   public void anotherMethod() {
     // Some logic

There are many classes extended from the AbstractBaseImplementation. Custom Annotation is created for identifying the point cuts.

Aspect is

public class SomeAspect {

  public void someMethod(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
     //Intercept logic


How can we intercept ActualImplemetation.someMethod (Which is implemented in the parent class) using Annotation based AOP?

Using aop configuration this can be achieved by

<aop:advisor pointcut="execution(* com.package..*ActualImplemetation .someMethod(..))" advice-ref="someInterceptor" />


Something like :

@Pointcut("execution(* com.package.*ActualImplemetation.someMethod(..))"
// OR
// using BaseInterface reference directly, you can use all sub-interface/sub-class methods
//@Pointcut("execution(* com.package.BaseInterface.someMethod(..))"
logMethod() { //ignore method syntax


This should work with some modification:

@Pointcut("execution(@CustomAnnotation * *(..))")
public void customAnnotationAnnotatedMethods() {/**/}   

public void adviceBeforeCustomAnnotation() {

