Create New Users using JIRA REST API

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-08 09:12:20


I am trying to create new users using JIRA REST API. However the post method syntax description is empty when I am checking the REST documentation. Does anyone know the JSON syntax and the REST handle for creating new users?


The JSON Object to use is:

"displayName":"user name",


The user creation via REST for JIRA installed version or on-demand version is available using the rest handle


A POST call should be made with the the following values in the header


Authentication:Simple username:password

Note: The Username:Password in the authentication header should be encoded in base64 format

The JSON to post is as follows

    "name": "<Username>",
    "password": "<Password>",
    "emailAddress": "<Email Address>",
    "displayName": "<Display Name>"

The users will be created in jira-users group and the will be active. The active status cannot be changed while creation or after creation using a PUT call. This is a major constraint.


I would try calling a GET service for the user resource and use the same jSon object structure to POST creation of a new user.

