Ive managed to get html table and change it to collection. However i would like for the table header to become the collection header. Is it possible to do it? Thanks.
Below is for further details on how i take the table element and change it to collection.
The path that im getting from the html table inside application modeller:
Then i use Read stage and choose the table as the element and set Data as Get Table function and save the collection.
The collection result produces:
On header - Column1(text), Column2(text)....
First Row - Department, Name.... || This supposed to be the header
Second Row - DepartmentData, NameData....
Well, I got the action called "Set Column Names From First Row" in Utility - Collection Manipulation. Do you have it too?
If not, then here's the code:
Dim iThisColumn as integer = -1
For Each Column As DataColumn In Input_Collection.Columns
iThisColumn +=1
Output_Collection = Input_Collection