Order Process of Amazon

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-08 04:45:03


We are using Submit Feed and type is _POST_FLAT_FILE_FULFILLMENT_DATA_ to process the Amazon order. We create a flat file that contains order ID and ship date. But when we hit Submit Feed API for orders then it gives warning message that is:

Order cannot be fulfilled.

Where are we making a mistake?


If your order contains more then one item then all API fields are required.

order-id, order-item-id, quantity and ship-date

If order have only one item and you can allow only order ref & date.

But other fields must be blank in the file at same position.

order-id order-item-id quantity ship-date carrier-code carrier-name tracking-number ship-method

You need to send other fields value Null in the file.

This may help you.

