Error when using static_assert on Netbeans

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-08 03:30:54


I use Netbeans to develop a Java / JNI / C++ application. In my c++ classes, I use static_assert and Netbeans displays an error:

static_assert(myvariable == 2, "My test.") ;

The error is:

Unable to resolve identifier static_assert

And yes, I've included "type_traits".

But, the code compiles and runs perfectly. Is that a bug from NetBeans?


I've used C++ on NetBeans for many months now, and it appears to be one of the many bugs of NetBeans with C++. Many times, static_assert or other functions were labeled red as an error, but compiled perfectly. I will edit if this bug is fixed in a future NetBeans release.

[EDIT] it also happens with template<typename T> typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T, INT32>::value>::type. ::type is flagged as being an error, but everything compiles fine.

