Missing Typescript Options in Web Essential for Visual Studio 2012

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-07 14:51:50


I am setting up Visual Studio 2012 and TypeScript. Issue I am coming across is,

Web Essentials in Visual Studio 2012->Tools->Options-> Web Essentials->TypeScript all options are missing (Screen Shot attached)


Link (http://www.drdobbs.com/windows/working-with-typescript-in-visual-studio/240154792) Figure #6 which mentions all possible options which should be available about same and I was referring "TypeScript Revealed" book which also shows same options (Page #16). What could be potential issue/missing configuration?

Thanks !!


Web Essentials has removed all the TypeScript options that are now implemented by the official TypeScript plugin. You can find these options in the Text Editor settings or Project Properties now.


Split panes have been reintroduced in the latest version of web essentials: http://vswebessentials.com/features/typescript

