Layout with overlaying nodes and anchor-like positioning

为君一笑 提交于 2019-12-07 13:28:30

For that you have to use a stackpane. So your treeview can be on a different layer than your swingnode for example.

The Element Added first in a stackpane will be below the second one. So what you have to do is: first add your stackpane which has to elements overlapping each other in this case i used anchorpane and inside the first anchorpane you can add your swingnode and in the second you can add your treeview.

Youst a rough example:

stackpane {
    alignment = Pos.CENTER_LEFT
    vgrow = Priority.ALWAYS
    anchorpane {       //Layer 0
        vgrow = Priority.ALWAYS
        swingnode {
            anchorpaneConstraints { topAnchor = 5.0; rightAnchor = 5.0; bottomAnchor = 5.0; leftAnchor = 5.0 }
    anchorpane {       //Layer 1 would be above Layer 0
        minWidth = 115.0
        maxWidth = 115.0
        translateX = -115.0   //Default width of treeview anchorpane negativ for hiding it at start otherwithe remove this line
        treeview {
            anchorpaneConstraints { topAnchor = 5.0; bottomAnchor = 5.0 }

you could even hide and show it with an animation:

For that you have to define to val's:

companion object {
    val openTreeView = TranslateTransition(Duration(500.0), <your anchorpane>)
    val closeTreeView = TranslateTransition(Duration(500.0), <your anchorpane>)

init {
    openTreeView.toX = 0.0

And you could open and close it for example with an setOnMouseClicked:

setOnMouseClicked {
    if (<your anchorpane>.translateX != 0.0) {
    } else {
        closeTreeView.toX = -<your anchorpane>.width