When I run speechSynthesis.getVoices()
in Chrome, I get a list of possible voices. The list changes depending on the computer and version of Chrome.
Is there any way I can extend support and add more voices?
I feel like this could be done by asking a user to download a voice file for their chosen language. Do such files exist?
This needs to work for both Windows and Mac computers.
It also needs to be simple, so no scripts or anything that would require extensive technical knowledge. I'm hoping for a "download and install" type of thing
HOW TO ADD MORE VOICE FROM MICROSOFT EDGE TO CHROME AND FIREFOX ( only on windows 10 fall creator update or later)
you should using show list voice test first at: show available voice on browser
chrome have local and server voice, edge have local and can download more, firefox have nothing else but only 3 supported voice locked by windows registy.
Here's the script to unlock:
If your not sure how to run a powershell script:
Click Start
search for 'Powershell'
launch Powershell (Since this is editing a LocalMachine key, you will need to run as admin). Copy and paste the script into the console. Press enter.
$sourcePath = 'HKLM:\software\Microsoft\Speech_OneCore\Voices\Tokens' #Where the OneCore voices live
$destinationPath = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech\Voices\Tokens' #For 64-bit apps
$destinationPath2 = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\SPEECH\Voices\Tokens' #For 32-bit apps
cd $destinationPath
$listVoices = Get-ChildItem $sourcePath
foreach($voice in $listVoices)
$source = $voice.PSPath #Get the path of this voices key
copy -Path $source -Destination $destinationPath -Recurse
copy -Path $source -Destination $destinationPath2 -Recurse
After running this on my Example machine and restarting, I have the following voices available to the api
Microsoft David Desktop; Microsoft Zira Desktop; Microsoft Zira Mobile; (Same as the desktop counterpart) Microsoft Mark Mobile;
I find these voices to be superior to the Desktop variants, plus variety is always nice
that you can test your new voice here after restart: show available voice on browser
here I can have 10 voices than 3 voices before, on firefox. That even I can install Vietnamese voice with Microsoft An from windows language, and my firefox can read vietnamese as edge.
source reddit.com