
How to check if bot is connected to a channel? | discord.py

泄露秘密 提交于 2021-01-04 12:27:02
问题 I've decided to try making my discord bot play music, but I've gotten stuck already. Mainly due to the fact I can't find any sources to help with the current version, I've been winging everything from the docs. However, I can't figure out how to check if the bot is connected to a voice channel. I have tried if not Client.is_connected(): , however that didn't work. If there are any updated sources to help me get the basics of discord.py's voice features, please give me a link :) Here is my

How to check if bot is connected to a channel? | discord.py

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2021-01-04 12:26:33
问题 I've decided to try making my discord bot play music, but I've gotten stuck already. Mainly due to the fact I can't find any sources to help with the current version, I've been winging everything from the docs. However, I can't figure out how to check if the bot is connected to a voice channel. I have tried if not Client.is_connected(): , however that didn't work. If there are any updated sources to help me get the basics of discord.py's voice features, please give me a link :) Here is my

How to check if bot is connected to a channel? | discord.py

放肆的年华 提交于 2021-01-04 12:25:33
问题 I've decided to try making my discord bot play music, but I've gotten stuck already. Mainly due to the fact I can't find any sources to help with the current version, I've been winging everything from the docs. However, I can't figure out how to check if the bot is connected to a voice channel. I have tried if not Client.is_connected(): , however that didn't work. If there are any updated sources to help me get the basics of discord.py's voice features, please give me a link :) Here is my

How to check if bot is connected to a channel? | discord.py

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2021-01-04 12:25:25
问题 I've decided to try making my discord bot play music, but I've gotten stuck already. Mainly due to the fact I can't find any sources to help with the current version, I've been winging everything from the docs. However, I can't figure out how to check if the bot is connected to a voice channel. I have tried if not Client.is_connected(): , however that didn't work. If there are any updated sources to help me get the basics of discord.py's voice features, please give me a link :) Here is my

Twilio Voice. Add another participant to existing call

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2020-07-05 12:52:09
问题 There is an ongoing call between 2 numbers (Twilio to Twilio, or Twilio to any PTSN number). It is not a conference call, just a normal 1-to-1 call using Twilio Voice. How can I add another person to that call? This is my current scenario. I first create a normal call (that has a ‘timeout’ and then redirects to voicemail via the ‘action’ verb). This is working, so a call now exists between 2 parties. Then if the call initiator wants to add a 2nd number (ie create a conference call), I need to

Doing voice assistant on python

允我心安 提交于 2020-04-18 05:48:32
问题 I need help. I have followed one of the tutorials. I have got a voice assistant, but it does only one command and than does not do anything. Can you help me to make him listen forever. So, it will always listen, but turn off only, when I close it. PS: Please don't pay attention on other language words. Here is my code: import pyttsx3 import os import time from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz import datetime import speech_recognition as sr opts = { "alias": ("петя", "петечка", "петюлечка", "петрович",

Recording Voice JAVAFX

徘徊边缘 提交于 2020-03-23 04:03:08
问题 I´m here again to request your great Help. I´m Trying to record voice from the microphone using a code from Internet. this is the configuration to the audio format: public class microfono { File wavFile = new File("C:\\NXB\\Kamui\\img\\audio.wav"); AudioFileFormat.Type fileType = AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE; TargetDataLine line; AudioFormat getAudioFormat() { float sampleRate = 16000; int sampleSizeInBits = 8; int channels = 2; boolean signed = true; boolean bigEndian = true; AudioFormat format

Recording Voice JAVAFX

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2020-03-23 04:02:13
问题 I´m here again to request your great Help. I´m Trying to record voice from the microphone using a code from Internet. this is the configuration to the audio format: public class microfono { File wavFile = new File("C:\\NXB\\Kamui\\img\\audio.wav"); AudioFileFormat.Type fileType = AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE; TargetDataLine line; AudioFormat getAudioFormat() { float sampleRate = 16000; int sampleSizeInBits = 8; int channels = 2; boolean signed = true; boolean bigEndian = true; AudioFormat format

Recording Voice JAVAFX

a 夏天 提交于 2020-03-23 04:00:38
问题 I´m here again to request your great Help. I´m Trying to record voice from the microphone using a code from Internet. this is the configuration to the audio format: public class microfono { File wavFile = new File("C:\\NXB\\Kamui\\img\\audio.wav"); AudioFileFormat.Type fileType = AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE; TargetDataLine line; AudioFormat getAudioFormat() { float sampleRate = 16000; int sampleSizeInBits = 8; int channels = 2; boolean signed = true; boolean bigEndian = true; AudioFormat format