I am trying to draw detailed maps of States/Districts of India with GADM data and using R. I have used the following code
# Load required libraries
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# load level 2 india data downloaded from http://gadm.org/country
ind2 = gadm
# plotting districts of a State, in this case West Bengal
wb2 = (ind2[ind2$NAME_1=="West Bengal",])
spplot(wb2,"NAME_1", main = "West Bengal Districts",
colorkey=F, scales=list(draw=T))
to generate this map
I am now trying to put in a couple of markers ( or points plus text ) to show district headquarters, "Purulia" at lon = 86.36521 lat = 23.33208 but somehow I am unable to get the sp.layout
syntax right. I will need this for a set of towns whose long, lat will be known. Will be very grateful if someone can help me out with this.
Here is how you can do that with base plot (instead of spplot / levelplot)
# get the data
ind2 <- getData('GADM', country='IND', level=2)
wb2 <- ind2[ind2$NAME_1=="West Bengal",]
cities <- data.frame(name="Purulia", lon=86.36521, lat=23.33208)
# plot
plot(wb2, border='gray', col='light gray')
points(cities[, 2:3], col='red', pch=20)
text(cities[, 2:3], labels= cities[,1], pos=4)
Here is a short example:
# load level 2 india data from gadm.org
ind2 <- getData('GADM', country='IND', level=2)
wb2 <- ind2[ind2$NAME_1=="West Bengal",]
cities <- data.frame(name="Purulia", lon=86.36521, lat=23.33208)
spplot(wb2, "NAME_1",
sp.layout=list("panel.points", cities$lon, cities$lat, col="red"),
main="West Bengal Districts",
colorkey=FALSE, scales=list(draw=TRUE))
or if you have your cities in a SpatialPointsDataFrame
cities <- data.frame(name="Purulia", lon=86.36521, lat=23.33208)
coordinates(cities) <- ~ lon + lat
# [1] "SpatialPointsDataFrame"
spplot(wb2, "NAME_1",
sp.layout=list("sp.points", cities, col="red"),
main="West Bengal Districts",
colorkey=FALSE, scales=list(draw=TRUE))