I installed flatpickr by npm install flatpickr. Calender is displaying like when click on input control
var React = require('React');
var ReactDOM = require('ReactDOM');
var Flatpickr = require('flatpickr');
var Calender = React.createClass({
componentDidMount: function(){
this.flatpickr = new Flatpickr(this.refs.date, {dateFormat: "m/d/Y"});
render: function() {
<input data-enable-time defaultValue='2016-11-11' ref="date_from" />
I know its been a long time but- You need to add the link to the CSS file.
In your SCSS file:
@import '../node_modules/flatpickr/dist/flatpickr.min.css';
It's the first line in the the docs example:
(When I used it I found that the css file name in the example was different than what I had, so double check that in your node_modules.)
Hope that helped.