I have been using Azure Storage Queues to feed a WebJob, using the QueueTrigger
attribute. I configure my QueueTrigger
to dequeue a number of items for concurrent processing, like this:
public static void Main()
JobHostConfiguration config = new JobHostConfiguration();
config.NameResolver = new QueueNameResolver();
config.Queues.NewBatchThreshold = 10;
JobHost host = new JobHost(config);
public static void ExecuteStorageQueueItem([QueueTrigger("%AzureQueueName%")] CloudQueueMessage message, TextWriter logger)
ProcessRequest(message.AsString, logger);
I would prefer to use Service Bus. Does the MaxConcurrentCalls
parameter on ServiceBusConfiguration
allow for the same automatic parallel execution? For example:
public static void Main()
JobHostConfiguration config = new JobHostConfiguration();
config.NameResolver = new QueueNameResolver();
ServiceBusConfiguration serviceBusConfig = new ServiceBusConfiguration();
serviceBusConfig.MessageOptions.MaxConcurrentCalls = 10;
JobHost host = new JobHost(config);
public static void ExecuteServiceBusItem([ServiceBusTrigger("%ServiceBusQueueName%")] BrokeredMessage message, TextWriter logger)
ProcessRequest(message.GetBody<string>(), logger);
I'm not sure whether MaxConcurrentCalls
does what I think it does!
Essentially yes, MaxConcurrentCalls
defines the amount of threads used by the Client to process the queue.
When QueueClient.OnMessage
method is called it starts a message pump on an infinte loop that is constantly polling. The OnMessageOptions.MaxConcurrentCall
sets the number of concurrent calls to the callback the message pump should initiate.
More back story: Introducing the Event-Driven Message Programming Model for the Windows Azure Service Bus