Similar to my previous question here, the User objects I have are these
new User("ayush","admin",23)
new User("ashish","guest",19)
new User("ashish","admin",20)
new User("garima","guest",29)
new User("garima","super",45)
new User("garima","guest",19)
Now I am trying to get the name to varying ages trend for these users. But I need to filter them above a threshold
age. I could get the trend using
Map<String, List<Integer>> userNameAndAgeTrend = users.stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(user-> user.getName(), Collectors.mapping(u-> u.getAge(), toList())));
this gives me {ashish=[19, 20], garima=[29, 45, 19], ayush=[23]}
. But I am unable to filter the List properly using threshold for example 21 years in my situation using such grouping. Can someone please help?
Also, using .filter(user -> user.getAge() > 21)
gives no mapping for ashish, which is what I want to store too. I can use Java10 installed on my machine and trying the suggested solutions.
You could use filter
Map<String, List<Integer>> userNameAndAgeTrend = users.stream()
.filter(a -> a.getAge() > 21) // only above 21
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(User::getName, Collectors.mapping(User::getAge, Collectors.toList())));
As confirmed by you in comments, this would give you as output
{garima=[29, 45], ayush=[23]}
If you're looking for all the names, you could also use Collectors.filtering
since java-9 which explicitly calls out a similar behavior (formatting mine) :
Using a
collector as shown above would result in a mapping from that department to an empty Set.If a stream
operation were done instead, there would be no mapping for that department at all.
Its usage should look something like:
Map<String, List<Integer>> userNameAndAgeTrend = users.stream()
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(User::getName, Collectors.mapping(User::getAge,
Collectors.filtering(age -> age > 21, Collectors.toList()))));
and the output now would be
{ashish=[], garima=[29, 45], ayush=[23]}
if you want to filter
before grouping:
.filter(u -> u.getAge() > 21) //<--- apply the filter operation
is an intermediate operation which enables one to "keep the elements that satisfy the provided predicate" and exclude others that don't.
So, after the filter
operation you have a new stream consisting of only the elements that pass the provided predicate. in this case only users where their age is older than 21.
if you want to filter
after grouping (not to be confused with filter
in a stream, this is a little different)
the filtering
collector as of JDK9:
filtering(u -> u.getAge() > 21,
mapping(User::getAge, toList()))));
see, the accepted answer here for a JDK8 implementation.
With stream’s filter
above, the values are filtered first and then it’s grouped. in other words, after filtering we have "no trace" of them.
However, with the filtering
collector as of JDK9
we can maintain a trace.
You need to add the .filter()
operation before the .collect()
Map<String, List<Integer>> userNameAndAgeTrend =
.filter(user -> user.getAge() > 21)
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(user-> user.getName(), Collectors.mapping(u-> u.getAge(), toList())));