"cont": 9714494770,
"id": "1",
"name": "Kakkad"
"cont": 9714494770,
"id": "2",
"name": "Ashish"
The one above is a json array filled with JSON objects. I don't know how to parse through this with SwiftyJSON
Example from the SwiftyJSON page, adapted to your data:
let json = JSON(data: dataFromNetworking)
for (index, object) in json {
let name = object["name"].stringValue
Assuming [{"id":"1", "name":"Kakkad", "cont":"9714494770"},{"id":"2", "name":"Ashish", "cont":"9714494770"}]
is assigned to a property named jsonData.
let sampleJSON = JSON(data: jsonData)
let sampleArray = sampleJSON.array
sampleArray is an optional array of JSON objects.
let firstDict = sampleArray[0]
firstDict is an optional JSON dict.
let name = firstDict["name"]
is an optional JSON object
let virtName = name.string
is a optional string (In this case "Kakkad").
let realName = name.stringValue
realName is a string or an empty string.
You could also use:
let longName = sampleJSON[0]["name"].stringValue
After you initialize the JSON object with data all of the elements are JSON types until you convert them to a swift type.
- .string optional (string or null)
- .stringValue string or "" empty string
- .dict optional ([String: AnyObject] or null)
- .dictValue ([String: AnyObject] or String: AnyObject)
For Swift4 I have updated the code from Moritz answer
if let path : String = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "tiles", ofType: "json") {
if let data = NSData(contentsOfFile: path) {
let optData = try? JSON(data: data as Data)
guard let json = optData else {
//If it is a JSON array of objects
for (_, object) in json {
let name = object["name"].stringValue
Swift 3 or 4 code like this:
let json = JSON(yourData)
for (_, object) in json {
let cont = object["cont"].stringValue
You can put index instead of _ if you use is anywhere in your code. If you don't use a variable, it's better to put _ (XCode also gives warnings).