64 bit / 64 bit remainder finding algorithm on a 32 bit processor?

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-06 16:01:30

What? If you do repeated subtraction (which sounds really basic), then isn't it as simple as whatever you have left when you can't do another subtraction is the remainder?

At least that's the naïve intuitive way:

uint64_t simple_divmod(uint64_t n, uint64_t d)
  if (n == 0 || d == 0)
    return 0;
  uint64_t q = 0;
  while (n >= d)
    n -= d;
  return n;

Or am I missing the boat, here?

Of course this will be fantastically slow for large numbers, but this is repeated subtraction. I'm sure (even without looking!) there are more advanced algorithms.

This is a division algorithm, run in O(log(n/d))

uint64_t slow_division(uint64_t n, uint64_t d)
   uint64_t i = d;
   uint64_t q = 0;
   uint64_t r = n;
   while (n > i && (i >> 63) == 0) i <<= 1;
   while (i >= d) {
      q <<= 1;
      if (r >= i) { r -= i; q += 1; }
      i >>= 1;
   // quotient is q, remainder is r 
   return q;    // return r 

q (quotient) can be removed if you need only r (remainder). You can implement each of the intermediate variables i,q,r as a pair of uint32_t, e.g. i_lo, i_hi, q_lo, q_hi ..... shift, add and subtract lo and hi are simple operations.

#define left_shift1 (a_hi, a_lo)          // a <<= 1    
    a_hi = (a_hi << 1) | (a_lo  >> 31)
    a_lo = (a_lo << 1) 

#define subtraction (a_hi, a_lo, b_hi, b_lo)    // a-= b    
    uint32_t t = a_lo
    a_lo -= b_lo
    t = (a_lo > t)        // borrow
    a_hi -= b_hi + t

#define right_shift63 (a_hi, a_lo)      // a >> 63
   a_lo = a_hi >> 31;
   a_hi = 0;

and so on.

0 as divisor is still an unresolved challenge :-) .
