Is it possible to change the app settings for a website from the app itself?
This is not meant to be an everyday operation, but a self-service reconfiguration option. A non-developer can change a specific setting, which should cause a restart, just like I can do manually on the website configuration page (app setting section)
It wasn't that hard once I found the right lib to do it, Microsoft Azure Web Sites Management Library.
var credentials = GetCredentials(/*using certificate*/);
using (var client = new WebSiteManagementClient(credentials))
var currentConfig = await client.WebSites.GetConfigurationAsync(webSpaceName,
var newConfig = new WebSiteUpdateConfigurationParameters
ConnectionStrings = null,
DefaultDocuments = null,
HandlerMappings = null,
Metadata = null,
AppSettings = currentConfig.AppSettings
newConfig.AppSettings[mySetting] = newValue;
await client.WebSites.UpdateConfigurationAsync(webSpaceName, webSiteName,
You can also use the Azure Fluent Api.
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.Fluent;
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent;
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent.Authentication;
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent.Core;
public void UpdateSetting(string key, string value)
string tenantId = "a5fd91ad-....-....-....-............";
string clientSecret = "8a9mSPas....................................=";
string clientId = "3030efa6-....-....-....-............";
string subscriptionId = "a4a5aff6-....-....-....-............";
var azureCredentials = new AzureCredentials(new
ClientId = clientId,
ClientSecret = clientSecret
}, tenantId, AzureEnvironment.AzureGlobalCloud);
var _azure = Azure
var appResourceId = "/subscriptions/xxx/resourceGroups/xxx/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/xxx"; //Get From WebApp -> Properties -> Resource ID
var webapp = _azure.WebApps.GetById(appResourceId);
//Set App Setting Key and Value
.WithAppSetting(key, value)
Have you read into the Service Management REST API? The documentation mentions that it allows you to perform most the actions that are available via the Management Portal programmatically.
In addition to Diego answer, to use the Azure Management Librairies within a WebApp (WebSites and/or WebJobs), you need to configure SSL which is a little bit tricky: