I want to save all items in a QGraphicsScene to a file. When I load the file, I should be able to use them as QGraphicsItems(as before). I keep my items in a QList like QList of QGraphicsItems that i called mItemsOnScreen. I should be able to get back that list when i load the file.How can I save those items to a file on disk. What kind of a file format should i use? And of course how will i read that file back?Please Some Help...And Thank's in advance.
I already do this but it save image format:
void MainWindow::loadImage(){ QString fichier = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,
tr("Open Image"), "C:/", tr("Image Files (*.png *.jpg *.bmp)"));
if(fichier != "")
//QGraphicsView *vue = new QGraphicsView(scene);
QPixmap monPixmap(fichier);
QMessageBox::information(0,"Chargement réussi","Le Diagrame a bien été chargé !");
QMessageBox::critical(0,"Erreur de Chargement","Le Chargement du Diagrame a échoué !");
} }
Here is how I would do this. This code only represents general logic and you may have to edit it to make it work.
QVariant item_to_variant(QGraphicsItem* item) {
QVariantHash data;
//save all needed attributes
data["pos"] = item->pos();
data["rotation"] = item->rotation();
if(QGraphicsPixmapItem* pixmap_item = dynamic_cast<QGraphicsPixmapItem*>(item)) {
data["type"] = "pixmap";
data["pixmap"] = pixmap_item->pixmap();
} else { /*...*/ }
return data;
QGraphicsItem* item_from_variant(QVariant v) {
QVariantHash data = v.toHash();
QGraphicsItem* result;
if (data["type"].toString() == "pixmap") {
result = new QGraphicsPixmapItem();
} else { /*...*/ }
return result;
void save_state() {
QVariantList data_list;
foreach(QGraphicsItem* item, items_list) {
data_list << item_to_variant(item);
QSettings settings;
settings.setValue("items", data_list);
void restore_state() {
QSettings settings;
foreach(QVariant data, settings.value("items").toList()) {
QGraphicsItem* item = item_from_variant(data);
items_list << item;