Towers of Hanoi in Scheme (recursive)

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-06 10:46:46

In your code, the last recursive call appears to be wrong, and there is a problem with the order of the procedure's parameters. Try this instead:

(define (towers-of-hanoi n source dest temp)
  (if (= n 1)
        (display "Move the disk from ")
        (display source) 
        (display " to " )
        (display dest)
        (towers-of-hanoi (- n 1) source temp dest)
        (display "Move the disk from ") 
        (display source)
        (display " to ")
        (display dest)
        (towers-of-hanoi (- n 1) temp dest source))))

I noticed that you've been asking questions tagged as racket, here's a more idiomatic and shorter version of the same code, for Racket:

(define (towers-of-hanoi n source dest temp)
  (cond [(= n 1)
         (printf "Move the disk from ~a to ~a~n" source dest)]
         (towers-of-hanoi (sub1 n) source temp dest)
         (printf "Move the disk from ~a to ~a~n" source dest)
         (towers-of-hanoi (sub1 n) temp dest source)]))

Either way, it works as expected:

(towers-of-hanoi 3 "source" "dest" "temp")

Move the disk from source to dest
Move the disk from source to temp
Move the disk from dest to temp
Move the disk from source to dest
Move the disk from temp to source
Move the disk from temp to dest
Move the disk from source to dest