New to prolog.
edit: using swi-prolog
I want to recursively do what the multiplication method already does in prolog without actually using the multiplication method.
The algorithm I want to implement it looks something like:
multn(N1, N2, output){
if (n2 <=0) return output;
multn(N1, (N2-1), output + N1)
Ex: 4*4 = 4+4+4+4 = 16
edit*: only passing in positive numbers for this algo.
my knowledge db looks like:
multn(Num1, 0, Result) :- Result is 0.
multn(Num1, Num2, Result) :-
NewNum2 = Num2 - 1,
multn(Num1, NewNum2, NewResult),
Result is Num1 + NewResult.
However, when I call:
?- multn(2,2,R).
It goes on forever, why is this not stopping at the above base case?
Help is much appreciated.
For integer arithmetic, use clpfd constraints. All serious Prolog systems provide them. For example, for SICStus Prolog, put :- use_module(library(clpfd))
in your initialisation file to make CLP(FD) constraints available in all your programs.
Using CLP(FD) constraints and some small modifications, your initial program becomes:
int_int_prod(_, 0, 0). int_int_prod(Num1, Num2, Result) :- NewNum2 #= Num2 - 1, int_int_prod(Num1, NewNum2, NewResult), Result #= Num1 + NewResult.
And now the point: You obviously meant your clauses to be mutually exclusive.
Insert Num2 #> 0
at an appropriate place to do that!