Using pjsip with android

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-06 05:13:29


I successfully installed and builded the pjsip library and pjsua for android, I ran pjsua on my device and it worked, however I'm still lost on how to use the methods of this library.

I already took a look on the CSipSimple app and I noticed that the jni folders of these 2 projects are very different.

Do I have to convert each .c file of this library in .java files with SWIG? If anyone has an example about how to implement it in a very simple way (a SIP register procedure for instance) it would be helpful.


It depends on how you would like to use the library.

The highest level API for pjsip is pjsua2 API, and there is already a java SWIG library build for you in the source code. You can just look at these examples.

However, if you don't need the sip signaling part, but just the media codecs and transportation part. You might have to design a JNI interfaces by yourself. You write the programs in C/C++ and link the in the file. for pjsua api C programming example:

for pjmedia example: see the testing codes under pjmedia/src/test

