I am building a package and get an error, saying that a function is not an exported object of the package. In the R script, I have used @export tag to export the function, however when I roxigenise using document() or roxygen() the function is not exported to the NAMESPACE (the Rmd file for that function is created though).
I had a similar problem. It turned out that inside my function I had commented out a line that began with an apostrophe (in front of 'Battlestar Galactica' in my fake example) so it look like this:
#' @export
getMyFavoriteSciFiShows <- function() {
myFavoriteSciFiShows <-
c('Star Trek Next Generation',
#'Battlestar Galactica',
'Babylon 5')
This really screwed up roxygen2 v 6.0.1 since it did not signal any errors and this is what it put into my NAMSEPACE file: