Cannot find a differ supporting object '[object Object]' of type 'object'. NgFor only supports binding to Iterables such as Arrays

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-11-26 22:20:02

There you don't need to use this.requests= when you are making get call(then requests will have observable subscription). You will get a response in observable success so setting requests value in success make sense(which you are already doing).


Remove this.requests from




this._http.getRequest() returns a subscription, not the response value. The response value is assigned by the callback passed to subscribe(...)


In your JSOn file, please make below change.

        "id": 1,
        "name": "Safa",
        "email": "",
        "purpose": "thesis",
        "programme": "Software Engineering",
        "year": 2016,
        "language": "Estonian",
        "comments": "In need of correcting a dangling participle.",
        "status": "RECEIVED"
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Safa",
        "email": "",
        "purpose": "thesis",
        "programme": "Software Engineering",
        "year": 2016,
        "language": "Estonian",
        "comments": "In need of correcting a dangling participle.",
        "status": "RECEIVED"
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Salman",
        "email": "",
        "purpose": "thesis",
        "programme": "Software Engineering",
        "year": 2016,
        "language": "Estonian",
        "comments": "In need of correcting a dangling participle.",
        "status": "RECEIVED"

And after that:

 this.http.get(url).map(res:Response) => res.json().data);

The data is actually the name of tge collection of json file. Please try the code above, I am sure it will work.

Raj Kumar

You can declare the books (on line 2) as an array:

  title: any = 'List of books are represted in the bookstore';
  books: any = []; 
  constructor(private service:  AppService){


  getBookDetails() {
    this.service.getBooks().subscribe(books => {
      this.books = books.json();

I had the same error because I have mapped the HTTP response like this:

this.http.get(url).map(res => res.json);

Note how I accidentally called .json like a variable and not like a method.

Changing it to:

this.http.get(url).map(res => res.json());

did the trick.

My solution is create a Pipe for return the values array or propierties object

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

  name: 'valueArray',
export class ValueArrayPipe implements PipeTransform {

  // El parametro object representa, los valores de las propiedades o indice
  transform(objects : any = []) {
    return Object.values(objects);

The template Implement

<button ion-item *ngFor="let element of element_list | valueArray" >
    {{ element.any_property }}

i have faced same problem

my initial json



i have changed my json inside []



i have the same problem. this is how i fixed the problem. first when the error is occurred, my array data is coming form DB like this --,

{brands: Array(5), _id: "5ae9455f7f7af749cb2d3740"} 

make sure that your data is an ARRAY, not an OBJECT that carries an array. only array look like this --,

(5) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]

it solved my problem.

To iterate over an object which has a json format like below

  "mango": { "color": "orange", "taste": "sweet" }
  "lemon": { "color": "yellow", "taste": "sour" }
  1. Assign it to a variable

    let rawData = { "mang":{...}, "lemon": {...} }

  2. Create a empty array(s) for holding the values(or keys)

    let dataValues = []; //For values

    let dataKeys = []; //For keys

  3. Loop over the keys and add the values(and keys) to variables

    for(let key in rawData) { //Pay attention to the 'in' dataValues.push(rawData[key]); dataKeys.push(key); }

  4. Now you have an array of keys and values which you can use in *ngFor or a for loop

    for(let d of dataValues) { console.log("Data Values",d); }

    <tr *ngFor='let data of dataValues'> ..... </tr>

You should use async pipe. Doc:

For example:

<li *ngFor="let a of authorizationTypes | async"[value]="">
     {{ }}

this.requests=res here you are trying to assign following response to object,


Since, object format is different then response format you have to assign res.body part from your response to get required contents.

<li *ngFor = "let Data of allDataFromAws  | async">
  <pre> {{ Data | json}}</pre>

use async to convert allDataFromAws into Array Object....

In you use spring boot with Angular ; make sure that whether you create default

Rakesh Pandey

Just declare the var as an array in which you holding the data , it worked for me.

listingdata:Array<any> = [];
this.listingdata = data.results.rows;

and loop the listingdata on html page

requests = [];

this.requests[0] =this._http.getRequest().subscribe(res=>this.requests=res);


*ngFor="let product of requests[0]"