Python inheritable functions

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-06 02:42:36

Functions are first class objects in Python and you can treat them as such, e.g. add some metadata via setattr:

>>> def function1(a):
...     return 1

>>> type(function1)
<type 'function'>

>>> setattr(function1, 'mytype', 'F1')
>>> function1.mytype

Or the same using a simple parametrized decorator:

def mytype(t):
    def decorator(f):
        f.mytype = t
        return f
    return decorator

def function2(a, b, c):
    return 2

I apologize, as I cannot comment but just to clarify you stated " I would first have to create an instance of the class before I could call it as a function... " Does this not accomplish what you are trying to do?

    class functionManager:

        def __init__(testFunction1 = importedTests.testFunction1):
           self.testFunction1() = testFunction1

    functionManager = functionManager()

Then just include the line from functionManagerFile import functionManager wherever you wanna use it?
