I am trying to write a Python turtle program that draws a Spirograph and I keep getting this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\matt\Downloads\spirograph.py", line 36, in <module>
File "C:\Users\matt\Downloads\spirograph.py", line 16, in main
File "C:\Users\matt\Downloads\spirograph.py", line 27, in spirograph
spirograph(p-1, x,y)
TypeError: spirograph() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'x' and 'y'
This is the code:
from turtle import *
from math import *
def main():
p= int(input("enter p"))
x= (R-r)*cos(t)-(r+p)*cos((R-r)/r*t)
y= (R-r)*sin(t)-(r+p)*sin((R-r)/r*t)
def spirograph(R,r,p,x,y):
x= (R-r)*cos(t)-(r+p)*cos((R-r)/r*t)
y= (R-r)*sin(t)-(r+p)*sin((R-r)/r*t)
while p<100 and p>10:
spirograph(p-1, x,y)
if p<10 or p>100:
print("invalid p value, enter value between 10 nd 100")
input("hit enter to quite")
I know this maybe has a simple solution but I really can't figure out what I am doing wrong, this was an exercise in my computer science 1 class and I have no idea how to fix the error.
The last line of the traceback tells you where the problem is:
File "C:\Users\matt\Downloads\spirograph.py", line 27, in spirograph
spirograph(p-1, x,y) # <--- this is the problem line
TypeError: spirograph() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'x' and 'y'
In your code, the spirograph()
function takes 5 arguments: def spirograph(R,r,p,x,y)
, which are R
, r
, p
, x
, y
. In the line highlighted in the error message, you are only passing in three arguments p-1, x, y
, and since this doesn't match what the function is expecting, Python raises an error.
I also noticed that you are overwriting some of the arguments in the body of the function:
def spirograph(R,r,p,x,y):
R=100 # this will cancel out whatever the user passes in as `R`
r=4 # same here for the value of `r`
Here is a simple example of what is happening:
>>> def example(a, b, c=100):
... a = 1 # notice here I am assigning 'a'
... b = 2 # and here the value of 'b' is being overwritten
... # The value of c is set to 100 by default
... print(a,b,c)
>>> example(4,5) # Here I am passing in 4 for a, and 5 for b
(1, 2, 100) # but notice its not taking any effect
>>> example(9,10,11) # Here I am passing in a value for c
(1, 2, 11)
Since you always want to keep this values as the default, you can either remove these arguments from your function's signature:
def spirograph(p,x,y):
# ... the rest of your code
Or, you can give them some defaults:
def spirograph(p,x,y,R=100,r=4):
# ... the rest of your code
As this is an assigment, the rest is up to you.
The error tells you that you're using too few arguments to call spirograph
Change this code:
while p<100 and p>10:
spirograph(R,r, p-1, x,y) # pass on the missing R and r
You're not using these arguments though, but you still have to give them to the function to call it.