I am having problems configuring two different Node.js applications with different domains. Have two directories
"/abc/" -> express-admin setup (backend) -> admin.abc.com
"/xyz/" -> express setup (frontend) -> abc.com
I need admin.abc.com to point to express-admin setup and abc.com to express setup. I have vhost installed and both the site listens to port 80.
Have added
app.use(vhost('abc.com', app)); // xyz/app.js file
app.use(vhost('admin.abc.com', app)); // abc/app.js file
My problems:
forever is installed, whenever i start both the apps, the second one is always stopped. I tried using different port for both apps but still having the same error. Individually they run without problems.
I think my setup is too complicated for domain forwarding. Any better suggestions? May be I have a master app.js file which I can use to route the domains to their respective apps without using the app.js of each applications.
I am not sure how you are using the vhost. First of all with vhost approach, you need to run only one express app. Not two. Here is an example.
var express = require('express');
var vhost = require('vhost');
edit /etc/hosts: api.mydomain.local admin.mydomain.local
// require your first app here
var app1 = require("./app1");
// require your second app here
var app2 = require("./app2");
// redirect.use(function(req, res){
// if (!module.parent) console.log(req.vhost);
// res.redirect('http://example.com:3000/' + req.vhost[0]);
// });
// Vhost app
var appWithVhost = module.exports = express();
appWithVhost.use(vhost('api.mydomain.local', app1)); // Serves first app
appWithVhost.use(vhost('admin.mydomain.local', app2)); // Serves second app
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (!module.parent) {
console.log('Express started on port 8000');
You just need to run the main express app with vhost enabled using forever.
You're hosting the applications on the same port, using the same network interface. So when the second app starts, it will always find the port in use. If you want to use multiple applications on the same port, they each need to have their own network interface. When using vhost, you would still need to listen on a different port for each app. See this example for details. If you would like your apps to be completely independent, you're better off using node-http-proxy. This allows you to host a proxy on port 80 which forwards requests to express apps listening on different ports. If one of these apps crashes, it will not crash the other app, unlike the vhosts approach. This post gives an example of the implementation using node-http-proxy.
Thanks @veggiesaurus for pointing up to node-http-proxy. Apologies for posting late.
Here is how I solved my problem using node-http-proxy
Folder Structure:
- www/
- server.js
- abc/ [express setup]
- app.js
- xyz/ [express-admin setup]
- node_modules/express-admin/app.js
"abc" and "xyz" have there own setup and running on port x.x.x.x:3001 and x.x.x.y:3002
I installed node-http-proxy and added server.js file with following codes. Referred this link
var http = require('http');
var httpProxy = require('http-proxy');
var proxy = httpProxy.createProxy();
var options = {
'abc.com': 'http://x.x.x.x:3001',
'xyz.com': 'http://x.x.x.y:3002'
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
proxy.web(req, res, {
target: options[req.headers.host]
Finally, used forever to run all 3 apps setup to run forever in port 3001, 3002 and 80.