Porting to Python3: PyPDF2 mergePage() gives TypeError

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-05 22:00:35

After digging in to PyPDF2 library code, I was able to find my own answer. For python 3 users, old libraries can be tricky. Even if they say they support python 3, they don't necessarily test everything. In this case, the problem was with the class ASCII85Decode in filters.py in PyPDF2. For python 3, this class needs to return bytes. I borrowed the code for this same type of function from pdfminer3k, which is a port for python 3 of pdfminer. If you exchange the ASCII85Decode() class for this code, it will work:

import struct
class ASCII85Decode(object):
    def decode(data, decodeParms=None):
        if isinstance(data, str):
            data = data.encode('ascii')
        n = b = 0
        out = bytearray()
        for c in data:
            if ord('!') <= c and c <= ord('u'):
                n += 1
                b = b*85+(c-33)
                if n == 5:
                    out += struct.pack(b'>L',b)
                    n = b = 0
            elif c == ord('z'):
                assert n == 0
                out += b'\0\0\0\0'
            elif c == ord('~'):
                if n:
                    for _ in range(5-n):
                        b = b*85+84
                    out += struct.pack(b'>L',b)[:n-1]
        return bytes(out)