Use of external modules in a logging configuration file

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-05 21:40:27

Well this is quite an old question, but if anyone is still looking for an answer, I post this (available for both python2 and python3).

Short answer

According to the documentation, you can write something like:


I'm not sure whether it's necessary or not to import logstash in the script parsing the logging configuration file (as logstash does not belong to the standard library).

Alternative answer

But I must add that this mechanism hasn't always worked very well for me in old-style logging configuration files... so if this doesn't work, I would recommend to turn your configuration file into a yaml one and use this very same feature in it:

        class: ext://logstash.LogstashHandler
        level: NOTSET
        formatter: standard

For the other args, I don't know how to write them since I can't find a documentation about logstash. If they are positional arguments, this should be OK (though I'm not sure about the use of int in a logging configuration file):

        args: [os.environ['hostname'], int(os.environ['port'])]

But if they are keyword arguments, this should be written another way:

        kw1: os.environ['hostname']
        kw2: int(os.environ['port'])