Multiple node selection in vis.js

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-05 20:38:29

Search for "selectable" property in documentation at

If true, nodes in the network can be selected by clicking them. Long press can be used to select multiple nodes.

Update! the link for the documentation is

set the multiselect property to true.

add this section to your network option object.

interaction: { multiselect: true}

I've just discovered that in vis.js you can select multiple nodes long pressing them.

If you are looking for a rectangle to select your nodes, just look at this thread on visjs-network github :

Full demo code :

const nodes = new vis.DataSet([
    { id: 1, label: 'Node 1' },
    { id: 2, label: 'Node 2' },
    { id: 3, label: 'Node 3' },
    { id: 4, label: 'Node 4' },
    { id: 5, label: 'Node 5' }

const edges = new vis.DataSet([
    { from: 1, to: 3 },
    { from: 1, to: 2 },
    { from: 2, to: 4 },
    { from: 2, to: 5 }

const options = {
    layout: { randomSeed: 2 },
    hover: true,
        multiselect: true

// Everything is in there
const makeMeMultiSelect = (container, network, nodes) => {
    const NO_CLICK = 0;
    const RIGHT_CLICK = 3;

    // Disable default right-click dropdown menu
    container[0].oncontextmenu = () => false;

    // State

    let drag = false, DOMRect = {};

    // Selector

    const canvasify = (DOMx, DOMy) => {
        const { x, y } = network.DOMtoCanvas({ x: DOMx, y: DOMy });
        return [x, y];

    const correctRange = (start, end) =>
        start < end ? [start, end] : [end, start];

    const selectFromDOMRect = () => {
        const [sX, sY] = canvasify(DOMRect.startX, DOMRect.startY);
        const [eX, eY] = canvasify(DOMRect.endX, DOMRect.endY);
        const [startX, endX] = correctRange(sX, eX);
        const [startY, endY] = correctRange(sY, eY);

            (selected, { id }) => {
                const { x, y } = network.getPositions(id)[id];
                return (startX <= x && x <= endX && startY <= y && y <= endY) ?
                    selected.concat(id) : selected;
            }, []

    // Listeners

    container.on("mousedown", function({ which, pageX, pageY }) {
        // When mousedown, save the initial rectangle state
        if(which === RIGHT_CLICK) {
            Object.assign(DOMRect, {
                startX: pageX - this.offsetLeft,
                startY: pageY - this.offsetTop,
                endX: pageX - this.offsetLeft,
                endY: pageY - this.offsetTop
            drag = true;

    container.on("mousemove", function({ which, pageX, pageY }) {
        // Make selection rectangle disappear when accidently mouseupped outside 'container'
        if(which === NO_CLICK && drag) {
            drag = false;
        // When mousemove, update the rectangle state
        else if(drag) {
            Object.assign(DOMRect, {
                endX: pageX - this.offsetLeft,
                endY: pageY - this.offsetTop

    container.on("mouseup", function({ which }) {
        // When mouseup, select the nodes in the rectangle
        if(which === RIGHT_CLICK) {
            drag = false;

    // Drawer

    network.on('afterDrawing', ctx => {
        if(drag) {
            const [startX, startY] = canvasify(DOMRect.startX, DOMRect.startY);
            const [endX, endY] = canvasify(DOMRect.endX, DOMRect.endY);

            ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(78, 146, 237, 0.75)';
            ctx.strokeRect(startX, startY, endX - startX, endY - startY);
            ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(151, 194, 252, 0.45)';
            ctx.fillRect(startX, startY, endX - startX, endY - startY);
}; // end makeMeMultiSelect

$(document).ready(() => {
    const container = $("#network");
    const network = new vis.Network(container[0], { nodes, edges }, options);
    makeMeMultiSelect(container, network, nodes);