Generate EC Diffie-Hellman public and private key pair

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-05 19:26:13

The peer's public key is a point on the curve. From crypto\ec\ec_lcl.h:

struct ec_key_st {
    int version;

    EC_GROUP *group;

    EC_POINT *pub_key;
    BIGNUM   *priv_key;

    unsigned int enc_flag;
    point_conversion_form_t conv_form;

    int     references;
    int flags;

    EC_EXTRA_DATA *method_data;
} /* EC_KEY */;

I believe you need to call EC_POINT_new (c_lcl.h is a private header, so you won't have access to the structure).

Luckily, there's a lot of functions to manipulate them. From the EC_POINT_new(3) docs:

EC_POINTs can be converted to and from various external representations. Supported representations are octet strings, BIGNUMs and hexadecimal. The format of the external representation is described by the point_conversion_form. See EC_GROUP_copy(3) for a description of point_conversion_form. Octet strings are stored in a buffer along with an associated buffer length. A point held in a BIGNUM is calculated by converting the point to an octet string and then converting that octet string into a BIGNUM integer. Points in hexadecimal format are stored in a NULL terminated character string where each character is one of the printable values 0-9 or A-F (or a-f).

Also see EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp, EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GF2m and EC_KEY_set_public_key:

$ grep -R EC_KEY_set_public_key *
crypto/ec/ec.h:int EC_KEY_set_public_key(EC_KEY *key, const EC_POINT *pub);

You can see an example of how to set the point on the OpenSSL wiki at Elliptic Curve Cryptography.
