We're using angular-translate to translate our app.
Regular translations with dynamic number values are no problems, like
'LIVES_LEFT': 'You have {{ lives }} left.'
used like
<p>{{ 'LIVES_LEFT' | translate:player }}</p>
The problem comes when the dynamic value is a string that itself needs to be translated, like
'YOU_HAVE_A_CHILD': 'You have a {{ gender }} that is {{ age }} years old.'
Used like
<p>{{ 'YOU_HAVE_A_CHILD' | translate:child }}</p>
in this case should end up resolving to 'boy', or 'girl' if the selected language is English, and for example 'Junge', or 'Mädchen', if the selected language is German. How do I do that?
As suggested by Partha Sarathi Ghosh below I tried
<p>{{ 'YOU_HAVE_A_CHILD' | translate:(child | translate) }}</p>
But I get a syntax error from that:
Error: [$parse:syntax] Syntax Error: Token 'Object' is unexpected, expecting []] at column 9 of the expression [[object Object]] starting at [Object]].
'YOU_HAVE_A_CHILD': 'You have a {{ gender | translate }} that is {{ age }} years old.',
'GENDER_BOY': 'boy',
'GENDER_GIRL': 'girl'
used like
<p>{{ 'YOU_HAVE_A_CHILD' | translate:vm.childTranslationData() }}</p>
with Controller code like this:
function childTranslationData() {
return {
gender: vm.child.gender === 'boy' ? 'GENDER_BOY' : 'GENDER_GIRL',
age: vm.child.age
worked great! Thanks a lot!
Try this. It may solve your problem.
{{ 'YOU_HAVE_A_CHILD' | translate:(child | translate) }}
Or you can try this
'YOU_HAVE_A_CHILD': 'You have a {{ gender | translate }} that is {{ age }} years old.'
If does not solve then translate child from your controller first